Scenario: Escape from Thelan

Thelan is a long-time forgotten planet outside the comercial routes, located in a low-sec sector near a dwarf star. It's not a great place to live, but inside Thelan surface there's one of the more advanced tech-research facilities of humanity.

This scenario develops months before the Battle for Earth campaign, helping new players introduce themselves to the new rules, both for DropFleet and DropZone Commander games. It's designed for up to ten (10) people, but it can be played by less players if needed, the main purpose is to have a fun demo day and feel how all the factions interact in the same scenario at the same time.

Each player will play with one of the starter sets for its own faction, so there will be more or less 500 points of DropFleet and DropZone miniatures per faction. As there's no Resistance starter set for DropFleet, I recommend to build something "not too overpowered" that could fit in 500p.

Players won't use commander cards in any of the games, and there won't be any commanders on the field, this way it's easier for new players and provides a smooth gameplay for everyone. Ground combat for DFC is not used, use the simplified rules instead (directly removing tokens).

Each faction will receive a set of objectives to achieve during the game, you can raffle them among the factions or set them up beforehand (not recommended if you're gonna play too), other factions don't know the other player's objectives (unless they've read this scenario or played it before).

It's very important that DFC and DZC turns are played almost at the same time, if DFC ends a turn before DZC does, DFC players must wait till DZC ends their turn first before starting the next turn. DZC players always starts and ends turn before DZC players. The game ends at the end of turn 6.

Main plot

Faction A had a massive dreadnought battle over Thelan with faction B, ending in the destroying of Faction B dreadnought, and crashing it over an abandoned industrial city. Days later there seems that some survivors are still fighting inside the wreckage of the crashed dreadnought, and the other factions (C, D, E) have somewhat detected them and are preparing for the planet raid...

DFC Map: Feel free to add any debris that you see fit

DZC Map: feel free to add any terrain that you see fit

If you want to be a play this scenario, and want to preserve the surprise, stop reading right now!

Objectives and deployment by faction

  • Faction A: You've kidnapped Faction B dreadnought's commander, he's valuable information and you've to escape with him to your main base!
    • DFC: Your frigates start deployed over the central sector, in atmosphere if possible. Your cruisers gain the "Open" special rule and can enter the battle in any moment, from any central side. You've to wait till your DZC partner escapes on the 4th-5th turn with the kidnapped commander, then you've to escape with one of your frigates that are 2" from the central sector by any border.
    • DZC: You start with all troops inside the central garrison, and all vehicles 2" from it. Defend the central garrison for the first three turns, then on 4th-5th turn escape with one of your troops by any border.
  • Faction B: Your dreadnought's commander survived and its being held at the central garrison, you've to save him!
    • DFC: Your ships enter the battle from any corner on the second turn. You've to deploy troops on the central sector as soon as possible, and then destroy all remaining frigates from Faction A.
    • DZC: You enter the battle from any corner on the turn after you deploy troops on the central sector of DFC. You've to destroy all troops from Faction A and control the central garrison at the end of the game.
  • Faction C: Thelan has two tactical space stations that are very valuable to the cause, get control over them!
    • DFC: Your ships enter the battlefield from the top left corner, you've to control the space stations at the end of the game, each one have up to four (4) Mass Drivers weapons that can be activated from the DZC corner garrisons, if your DZC commander controls them.
    • DZC: Your troops enter the battlefield from the top left corner, for each of the corner garrisons you control, your DFC partner will be able to fire a Mass Driver Weapon from their controlled stations, so go for them!. You have to control at least 2 corner garrisons.
  • Faction D: Thelan has two tactical space stations that are very valuable to the cause, don't let the enemies get them!
    • DFC: Your ships enter the battlefield from the bottom right corner, you've to control the space stations at the end of the game, each one have up to four (4) Mass Drivers weapons that can be activated from the DZC corner garrisons, if your DZC commander controls them.
    • DZC: Your troops enter the battlefield from the bottom right corner, for each of the corner garrisons you control, your DFC partner will be able to fire a Mass Driver Weapon from their controlled stations, so go for them!. You have to control at least 2 corner garrisons.
  • Faction E: intelligence reports about a hidden ancient technology cache under the city, retrieve it for the cause!
    • DFC: Your ships enter the battlefield from any central side on the second turn. Your objective is to retrieve the ancient technology from the central sector (with a frigate 2" from it) as soon as your DZC partner escapes with it, you'll have to escape with it by any border.
    • DZC: Your troops can enter the battlefield from any central side on the second turn. You've to search for the ancient technology on all corner garrisons (only 1 of the 4 possible objectives is the real one, use 3 "possible objective" and 1 "objective" tokens, randomly assign one of them to each corner garrison), then escape with it from by the nearest side. Be careful, your objective can be taken by any other player that successfully searches for it and find the real objective!.
There's not a clear "winner" in this scenario, but an achievement ranking for each faction:
  • 1 VP for getting the DFC objective
  • 1 VP for getting the DZC objective
  • 1 VP for each secondary objective (when they're not their faction main objective):
    • Controlling the central garrison at the end of the game
    • Controlling one space station at the end of the game
    • Escaping with the ancient technology (DFC)
