Scenario: Escape from Thelan

Thelan is a long-time forgotten planet outside the comercial routes, located in a low-sec sector near a dwarf star. It's not a great place to live, but inside Thelan surface there's one of the more advanced tech-research facilities of humanity. This scenario develops months before the Battle for Earth campaign, helping new players introduce themselves to the new rules, both for DropFleet and DropZone Commander games. It's designed for up to ten (10) people, but it can be played by less players if needed, the main purpose is to have a fun demo day and feel how all the factions interact in the same scenario at the same time. Each player will play with one of the starter sets for its own faction, so there will be more or less 500 points of DropFleet and DropZone miniatures per faction. As there's no Resistance starter set for DropFleet, I recommend to build something "not too overpowered" that could fit in 500p. Playe...